Strengthen the ability of the public health system to facilitate and provide community-based prevention, health promotion, and early detection of disease.

Two-thirds of American adults are overweight or obese. Americans get less exercise, spending work and leisure time in from of screens. Diabetes and other chronic diseases are on the rise, a leading driver of escalating medical care costs. More and better medical care will not fix this countries declining health status or slow the rising costs of health care. History and science show that a multifaceted public health effort, including delivery of clinical preventative services, to protect the nations health. America must invest in the policies, programs, community environments and preventative care that are known to protect and restore health. By doing so, this can lower the disease and disability resulting in a decrease in the cost of expensive medical treatment in the future.

Three major reforms re required to make prevention and wellness the cornerstone of national policy.

1. Provide consistent policy leadership that advocates for and funds mutifaceted approaches to prevention and wellness.

2. Strengthen the ability of the public health system to facilitate and provide community-based prevention, health promotion, and early detection of disease.

3. Assure that all Americans have access to recommended clinical preventitive serices.

Nurses are on the frontline for providing valuable education to patients, the public and communities relating to nutrition, exercise and disease prevention. Health promotion should be done everywhere, at every level of our health care system. Nurses are innovative and know how to expand car and improve quality at a lower cost. Emphasizing the use of master-prepared nurses to oversee care from the hospital to within the home reduces hospitalizations.

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