Role of graduate education in achieving your goals.

ubmit a scholarly essay summarizing your motivation for entering our Master’s degree program. Your essay must be typed and limited to three pages. Address the following:

Statement of your personal and professional goals after graduation.
Role of graduate education in achieving your goals.
Personal and professional strengths.
Professional areas identified as needing development.
Personal perceptions of graduate education.

I have 12 years emergency department nursing experience. I am highly organized and I thrive in high stress environments. I am driven to be an excellent patient care provider. I plan well and always meet deadlines. I feel like I could develop more with the pediatric community. I also have always worked in a fast paced hospital environment. I see myself as needing development to the clinic environment. I This can be one to two pages.

 need help improving an essay that will be counted as a final for a class that I am in. The essay is 6 pages in length, and is written in APA format. I will upload the essay once tutor is found.

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