Identify an athlete who is portrayed in the popular media (

Popular Media Case Research

Our culture’s hero worship of successful athletes allows us to learn intimate details about individuals whose lives would otherwise be fairly private. However, accepting the status and fame often accompanying performance success has become part of what is expected of these highly visible members of our society.

Occasionally, our glimpses into their personal lives or professional roles offer opportunities for us to observe psychological, emotional, or behavioral indicators suggestive of a mental illness.

For this assignment, complete the following tasks:

  • Identify an athlete who is portrayed in the popular media (on a television series, news program, sporting event, or movie) and is someone you believe may be suffering from a psychological disorder. You may have observed signs of a performance-altering condition or behavioral impairment.
  • Next, describe the athlete you’ve selected. Use the intake assessment form you produced in M2: Assignment 2 and fill the form as if you were interviewing the athlete. Include all relevant information you are aware of, and feel free to extrapolate additional details as necessary. Be sure to include any symptoms you observe and complete as much of the athlete’s history as you can.
  • After you’ve completed the intake assessment form, identify a minimum of two diagnostic possibilities you would consider as potentially present in the athlete. Describe the assessments you might use if you were to be evaluating this athlete as a sport psychologist.

Complete your intake assessment form and diagnostic possibilities in two to
three pages and present it in Microsoft Word document format. Name the file SP6005_M4_A2_lastname_firstinitial.doc. By the due date assigned, submit it to the Discussion Area.

Through the end of the module, use the Discussion Area to review intake assessment forms and diagnostic possibilities submitted by at least two of your classmates. Offer your own assessments of their submissions. Provide balanced feedback, describing the strengths and weaknesses of each diagnosis. Make suggestions for improvements so your peers can develop and refine their work.

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsQuality of initial posting, including fulfillment of assignment instructions16Quality of responses to classmates12Frequency of responses to classmates4Reference to supporting readings and other materials4Language and grammar4Total:40

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