How can the formation of Accountable Care Organizations improve quality of care and make providers more responsible for cost of care?


Topic a: Team Dynamics

Reflect on your experiences as a member of a clinical team. What makes a team effective in terms of achieving expected outcomes for patients and agencies? What situations or conditions make it difficult for teams to work together?

Topic b: Accountable Care Organizations Improve Quality of Care

How can the formation of Accountable Care Organizations improve quality of care and make providers more responsible for cost of care? Give an example of a study that has addressed coordination of care and has had documented success. Describe the study and its implications for care.

Topic c: The Nurse’s Role in the Accountable Care Act

Discuss the advanced practice nurse’s role in the Affordable Care Act. How will health care improve, using advance practice nurses under the Affordable Care Act?

For each Topic:

Initial posts for each discussion topic must also include 2 peer-reviewed citations. Citations must include outside sources. Additionally, comments should also include a citation to support assertions. A minimum of 200 words. While the discussion board tool limits the ability to use APA formatting (e.g., hanging indents), posts must include the required elements of an APA in-text citation and list of references. Each post requires it’s Own answer. They do not require a front face sheet.

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