Homesickness and Adjustment Across the First Year of College: A Longitudinal Study
Homesickness and Adjustment Across the First Year of College: A Longitudinal Study
Tammy English, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Washington University in St. Louis
Jordan Davis, Department of Psychology, Temple University
Melissa Wei, and Department of Psychology, Harvard University
James J. Gross Department of Psychology, Stanford University
Homesickness can put individuals at risk for a host of adjustment difficulties. The millions of
students that leave home for college each year may be particularly susceptible to experiencing
homesickness. There is little work, however, examining individual variation in homesickness over
time and how these changes predict different outcomes in college. The present study examines
weekly levels of homesickness during the first term of college and tests the associations between
homesickness and various aspects of adjustment. Results showed that, on average, homesickness
decreased slightly across the first semester of college, but there were individual differences in
homesickness trajectories. Freshman who reported higher levels of homesickness showed worse
overall adjustment to college, even when controlling for negative emotional experience and prior
adjustment. Homesickness was associated with poorer social outcomes, but these social difficulties
were limited to interactions with others in the college environment. Academic outcomes were not
adversely impacted by homesickness. Findings suggest that homesickness is a common experience
for freshman and, despite its relatively transient nature, homesickness has important implications
for college adjustment.
homesickness; emotion; college experience; adjustment; social functioning
Homesickness—“the distress or impairment caused by an actual or anticipated separation
from home” (Thurber & Walton, 2012, p. 1)—can be experienced by anyone. However,
college students may be particularly susceptible to homesickness given that the move to
college is often their first extended time away from home. Homesickness may place
individuals at risk for poor adjustment outcomes, such as emotional and social difficulties
Correspondence regarding this article should be addressed to Tammy English, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO;
HHS Public Access Author manuscript Emotion. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2018 February 01.
Published in final edited form as: Emotion. 2017 February ; 17(1): 1–5. doi:10.1037/emo0000235.
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(for review, see Stroebe, Schut, & Nauta, 2015). In the present study, we take a longitudinal
approach to examine weekly levels of homesickness experienced by students across their
first term at college, and test the effects of homesickness on various aspects of adjustment.
Prevalence of Homesickness and Change Over Time
Current estimates of the prevalence of homesickness vary greatly. Nineteen to 70% of
university students have been found to experience homesickness, depending on how
homesickness is measured and the specific populations of interest (e.g., Brewin, Furnham, &
Howes, 1989; Carden & Feicht, 1991; Fisher & Hood, 1987; Fisher, Murray, & Frazer,
1985). Longitudinal approaches can provide a better understanding of how homesickness
may change as individuals adapt to their new environment. For instance, in a sample of
college students, Bell and Bromnick (1998) found that homesickness declined from the first
week to the sixth week of the semester. In addition, in a longitudinal study of children at a
two-week overnight summer camp, 95% felt homesick for at least one day of their stay and
those who felt intensely homesick at the start of camp were more likely to have increasing
levels of homesickness (Thurber, 1999).
Overall, homesickness seems to be relatively common, but individuals differ in the intensity
and duration of their homesickness (Stroebe et al., 2015). Understanding how homesickness
changes over time is especially important given its potential impact on adjustment.
Homesickness and Adjustment in College
Homesickness may negatively affect individuals’ ability to adjust to their new social
environment. Past work has documented various psychological and physical health
consequences of homesickness (Stroebe, et al., 2015). Students that become homesick upon
entering college may have difficulty adjusting to the college setting, leading to social and
academic difficulties.
Homesickness has been linked to certain social factors, such as social anxiety and social
support (Urani et al., 2003), as well as levels of belonging (Watt & Badger, 2009). However,
homesickness has typically not been tested as a risk factor for later social problems. When
examining these potential social effects, it may be important to distinguish between
relationships with people at home versus people in the new environment. Fewer positive
interactions with peers and not fitting in may lead homesick students to seek contact and
support from family and friends at home, strengthening these outside relationships but
interfering with the development of new relationships (Tochkov, Levine, & Sanaka, 2010).
The potential for homesickness to also interfere with academics is noteworthy given the
important long-term consequences (e.g., employment prospects, graduate admissions).
Fisher (1989) proposed that the ruminative aspect of homesickness could create attentional
demands that would lead to absent-mindedness and reduce students’ academic abilities.
While some have found no evidence that homesickness is related to academic performance
(Van Vliet, 2001), others have found homesickness predicts lower concentration abilities
(Burt, 1993) and dropout (Thurber & Walton, 2012).
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Present Research
The present research addresses two main questions. First, how do levels of homesickness
change across the first term of college? Second, is homesickness a risk factor for poor
adjustment in college? We expect homesickness will predict poorer overall, social, and
academic adjustment. Social difficulties, however, are expected only for interactions in
college, not for relationships with close friends and family from home.
The current study extends previous work in several ways. We examine individual
homesickness trajectories using weekly assessments across the first ten weeks of college.
Adjustment is also tracked across this same period, allowing us to test the temporal relations
between homesickness and different aspects of adjustment. Additionally, when examining
social adjustment, we distinguish newly formed relationships with others at college from
pre-existing relationships with people outside of college. Finally, we disentangle
homesickness from global negative affect in order to ascertain the unique effects of
Participants were 174 undergraduates (59% female) who had moved away from home for
college and completed at least four weekly reports during the first term of their freshman
year of college. They were diverse in terms of ethnicity: 6% African-American, 29% Asian-
American, 64% European-American, 13% Hispanic/Latino, 3% Native American/Indian.
Homesickness, emotional experience, and adjustment were assessed from questionnaires
emailed to participants once a week during the first ten weeks of freshman year. Adjustment
was assessed again in a questionnaire emailed at the end of the first term of freshman year.
The data reported here were collected as part of a larger study of personality and emotion
during college (Srivastava et al., 2009) but none of the current findings have been reported
Weekly homesickness—Each week participants reported how much they felt “Homesick, missing my old life” over the past week, on a scale from 0 (not at all) to 4 (extremely).
Weekly emotional experience—Each week participants reported how much they felt a list of emotions over the past week, on scale of 0 (not at all) to 4 (extremely). The negative emotion composite consisted of 5 items: “anxious, nervous,” “angry, irritated,” “tired, fatigued,” “put down, hurt, rejected by others,” and “sad, depressed, down” (α=.80).
Weekly adjustment to college—Each week participants reported on their overall adjustment to college (“How settled in (comfortable, at home) do you feel at [college] right
now?”; 1 = not at all, 7 = very), as well as their academic adjustment (“How satisfied did
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you feel with your academic life?”), and social adjustment (“How satisfied did you feel with
your social life?”; 1 = not at all, 7 = extremely).
We examined different types of social network members in order to compare new, college
relationships (roommate and friends) to pre-college, home relationships (parents and non-
college affiliated friends). For each of these four relationships, participants reported their
frequency of contact (“total number of hours that you talked with each person (or group) this week by phone, in person, by computer.”), enjoyment (1=no enjoyment, 7=great enjoyment), difficulty (1=no difficulty, 7=great difficulty), and emotional support (1=no support, 7=great support). We averaged across items for the college relationships and home relationships to create indices for frequency of contact (college contact: α=.68, home contact: α=.53) and relationship quality (enjoyment, support, and reverse-scored difficulty; college quality: α=.62, home quality: α=.68). Intraclass correlations ranged from .21 to.78 (M=.52).
End-term adjustment to college—Global adjustment to college was assessed with three items (α=.76): “How satisfied are you with this quarter?” (1=not at all, 7=extremely), “How well do you think you’ve adjusted to (this university)” (1=not very well, 7=very well), “Did you ever have thoughts of transferring to another school or quitting school? How often?” (1=never, 7=very often; reverse-scored). Social adjustment was assessed with two items (α=. 67): self-reported satisfaction in this domain (“How satisfied were you with social life at [this university]?”; 1=not at all, 7=extremely) and perceived belongingness (“I fit in really well here at [this university]”; 1=strongly disagree, 7=strongly agree). Academic adjustment was assessed with two items: self-reported satisfaction in this domain (“How satisfied were you with your own academic performance at [this university]?”; 1=not at all, 7=extremely) and grade point average (GPA); these two items were z-scored then combined (α=.72).
To control for baseline levels of adjustment, we included measures taken from the summer
before college. Global adjustment was assessed with the Satisfaction with Life Scale
(Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985; α=.85). Social and academic adjustment were assessed with the items “I am satisfied with my social life” and “I am satisfied with my
academic performance”, respectively; 1=disagree strongly, 5=agree strongly.
Data Analysis
We conducted multilevel modeling to examine trajectories of homesickness (with time
centered at week 1) and within-person associations between homesickness and adjustment.
We ran two-level models, with weeks nested within persons, using maximum likelihood
estimation to account for missing data. We examined lagged effects to test whether
homesickness predicted subsequent changes in adjustment (e.g., T2 adjustment predicted
from T1 homesickness controlling for T1 adjustment) and vice versa (e.g., T2 homesickness
predicted from T1 adjustment controlling for T1 homesickness). All predictors were person-
mean centered and negative emotional experience was included as a covariate. Semi-partial
R2 values were computed as estimates of effect size (Edwards, et al., 2008). Results are
reported in Table 1.
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