hat do experts say about the psychological phenomenon you researched
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Thought Piece (Research Paper) (350 points) *Due date October 12th, 2018
This course requires an APA research paper. This writing assignment encourages you to think about the material in this course while connecting it to your own life. The thought piece will focus on social psychology. Your topic for this paper will be assigned from one of the following three psychological phenomenons: altruism, bystander effect, or conformity. Please identify the first letter of your last name and the associated topic below.
A-H= Altruism I-O= Conformity P-Z=Bystander Effect
· First, identify your research topic by identifying the topic in relation to the first letter of your last name.
· Then, conduct research on your topic. (Find your topic within your textbook to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of your topic).
Within your paper, please answer the following questions. (It may be most helpful to follow the questions in chronological order for your paper. For example, your introduction paragraph could define social psychology and including a required resource).
· Define social psychology (great place to use an in-text citation)
· Define your assigned psychological phenomenon. (Use in-text citations).
· What is the historical background of your psychological phenomenon?
· Give real-life examples or experiences with your psychological phenomenon.
· What do experts say about the psychological phenomenon you researched?
· Has your psychological phenomenon been in the news lately?
· Conclusion-What did you learn from your research?
APA format assistance is available on numerous websites. This is one of the most user friendly sites: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/
Paper basics: (NO abstract page is necessary)
· You will need to have 4 resources for the paper of which 1 may be your text.
· Your paper should be at least 4 separate pages ( 4 pages of content separate from the title page)
· Your paper should have a correct APA title page.
· Your paper should have a correct reference page utilizing the correct APA citation guidelines. (MLA calls this page “Work Cited,” APA calls this page “References”)
· APA formatting requires a 12 font Times New Roman.
· APA formatting requires double spacing.
· APA formatting includes the usage of headings. (Headings are used to guide the research being presented within APA papers and provide overall organization within your paper. You do not need a heading above each paragraph).
Reference Page Example