Explain the acronym BMI. What does it stand for?

Respond to the first part using complete sentences and paragraphs. Show all math. Responses to the second part can be provided as a list. Note: Use complete sentences, correct spelling and grammar

Respond to the first part using complete sentences and paragraphs. Show all math. Responses to the second part can be provided as a list.

Note: Use complete sentences, correct spelling and grammar, and well-written and organized paragraphs. You are required to cite your course resources in these discussions to show how you have applied what you have read. Grades will reflect how well you have followed these guidelines. I am eager to see each individual’s creativity in this discussion.

Part 1

Start by calculating your BMI. Show your math. What is the classification? (Do not include commentary to debate the accuracy of the classification of this value.)

Explain the acronym BMI. What does it stand for? What does it measure? What values are associated with it? Name one advantage to using BMI. Can you see any disadvantages to using BMI? If so, what are they? Name two other methods for assessing body fat or weight status. Provide at least one advantage and one disadvantage of each method.


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