Ensure that you use at least ten (10) scholarly literature (digitised readings, research
3807NRS Advanced Clinical Decision Making: Assessment (A3) Semester 2, 2018
Written Assignment: Reflective written analysis of clinical incident
Critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills are used every day in practice by Registered Nurses.
The aim of this essay task is for you to apply the eight stages of the clinical reasoning cycle
(Levett-Jones et al., 2010) to discuss and reflect on a clinical decision. Familiarisation with the
clinical reasoning cycle will support you to provide safe quality care as a Registered Nurse.
Task Instructions:
Write a 2000 word essay which discusses one clinical decision that you have been involved with
during a Bachelor of Nursing clinical placement, using all eight stages of the clinical reasoning
cycle (Levett-Jones et al., 2010). In this essay your critical reflection on the clinical decision (stage
eight) is a significant component of this task (please see weighting in marking criteria). You need
to identify a different patient scenario to the one you discussed in your first essay.
1) Analyse how each stage of the clinical reasoning cycle (Levett-Jones et al., 2010) was
applied to your decision.
2) In stage eight (8) critically reflect on what you have learnt from applying the clinical
reasoning cycle to your chosen decision (you may choose to draw on other models of
3) In your essay discuss three relevant Registered Nurse Standards for Practice (2016).
2,000 words
Weighting: 50%
Due Date: Sept 17th, 2018 at 5pm
3807NRS Advanced Clinical Decision Making:
Assessment (A3) Semester 2, 2018
Other elements:
Always refer to the Griffith Health Writing and Referencing Guide
Ensure that you use at least ten (10) scholarly literature (digitised readings, research
articles, relevant Government reports and text books) that has been published within the
last 5 years. You are however allowed to use the Levett-Jones et al. (2010) reference as
one of your references.
Ensure you maintain confidentiality. Do not discuss the facility, nurse or patient by name.
You may use a pseudonym if you like.
Provide a clear introduction and conclusion to your paper.
You may use headings to organise your work if you wish.
The use of first person can be utilised throughout your writing.
Refer to the marking guide when writing your assignment. This will assist you in calculating
the weightings of the sections for your assignment.
Submit your assignment via Turnitin on your Learning@Griffith course site.
You must submit this assignment as instructed to be eligible for a passing grade in this
3807NRS Advanced Clinical Decision Making:
Assessment (A3) Semester 2, 2018
CRITERION ONE: Introduction
Assignment has as an opening paragraph that contextualises the assignment.
Clearly identifies the aim of the assignment.
CRITERION TWO: Clinical Reasoning Cycle stages 1-7
Clearly analyses the factors influencing the clinical decision in relation to the first seven stages of the clinical reasoning cycle.
Clearly describes the background to the case study including current and related patient information and succinctly describes the chosen decision.
Uses scholarly literature appropriately to support the discussion.
CRITERION THREE: Clinical Reasoning Cycle stage 8 (Reflection)
Critically reflects on the clinical decision making process. Reflects on what was learned from applying the clinical reasoning cycle to
the chosen decision.