Describe the available community-based correctional options/programs for either female offenders or mentally


term paper

choose one of the following topics:

  1. Describe the available community-based correctional options/programs for either female offenders or mentally ill offenders (i.e., What are the most common available community-based correctional program for this population? What is the format/organization of these programs? What are their components? Goals?) Also, please include any information you can find about their effectiveness. If you choose this option, you are expected (as with option 2) to use and integrate outside resources (i.e., resources other than course readings).
  2. Identify 2 countries other than the U.S. that have a probation and/or parole system. Describe the systems in each of these countries (i.e., what is the organizational structure? How do they operate?), identify the ways in which they differ and are similar to the parole and/or probation in the U.S., and provide some information on the effectiveness of these programs in the other countries.

    4-5 pages, apa format, no plagarisism,

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