Describe how your theoretical orientation influences how you relate to these aspects of client experience.
1. How would you plan to respond to clients in terms of their cognitive and affective content? Describe how your theoretical orientation influences how you relate to these aspects of client experience.
2. what have you noticed about the development of your counseling skills? What kind of improvements have you made based on what you have learned from your reading, our discussions, and your weekly skills practice? What do you think you would like to do in the near future to continue on the path of positive professional growth?
ase Study Instructions and Template
This is a comprehensive project divided into 2 Case Study sections. The expectation is that you will be able to show a working understanding of the course material thus far (Case Study 1: Chapters 1–5; Case Study 2: Chapters 6–7, 9). Case Study 1 will include all parts of the assessment, except the final 2 sections of treatment recommendations and recovery recommendations, which will be the requirements of Case Study 2. The chapter readings and additional materials available each week will enhance your ability to excel in this project. Review the “How to Approach a Case Study” document prior to composing your assignment.
For each case study, you are to read the provided Case Study Vignette and complete a thorough assessment based upon the information presented within the Case Study using the Case Study Template below. Both Case Studies will use the same Case Study Vignette. Case Study 1 will include the section headings Reason for Assessment through Spirituality.
Case Study 2 will include the final 3 section headings: Diagnostic Impression, Treatment Plan, and Aftercare Recommendations.
Current APA format is required for all components of the paper (title page, citations, reference list). This case study needs to be strongly supported by the literature (a minimum of 5 sources for Case Study 1 and a minimum of 5 additional sources for Case Study 2) and, if done properly, will render 15–20 pages. This project is designed for you to show a working understanding of the course materials; therefore, it is truly a comprehensive project.