.Conduct a one sample T-test and interpret the results (use a population mean of 70).
Given the following students’ test scores (95, 92, 90, 90, 83, 83, 83, 74, 60, and 50), identify the mean, median, mode, range, variance, and standard deviation for the sample.
Write a 500-word summary and analysis discussing the results of your calculations.
State your results for the sample: the mean, median, mode, range, variance, and standard deviation
1.Explain which method is best for this data set. Why?
2.Conduct a one sample T-test and interpret the results (use a population mean of 70).
3.In what situations would this information be useful?
Prepare this assignment in the APA Style
The paper assignment should include the following structure and it must comply with APA written standards: Title page (1), Abstract (1), Content pages (5), Conclusion (1), and References (1). Therefore, there must be a minimum of nine (9) pages per project.
All work must comply with APA written standards: 1- Title page (1) , 2- Abstract (1), The abstract must have at least i paragraph with no less than 6 lines. 3-Content pages (5), 4- Conclusion (1), Should be your own analysis of your findings. 5-References (1). Therefore, there must be a minimum of 9 pages per project.
Please, make the necessary arrangements to get the help and support you may need in writing and editing your Research Paper assignment before you submit it
Use APA citation style in the body of your paper so I know where the information came from (like your text does). This is the (Author, date) you see in your text. It gives credit to original author’s research and are alphabetized by the author’s last name.
Professors Words.
Title Page : Title, Your Name, School Name, Professor’s Name and Date of submission. No errors.
Abstract page : Clearly and concisely states the paper’s purpose. The abstract content is engaging, states the main topic and previews the structure of the paper.
Content pages : Content pages have thoughtful supporting detail sentences that develop the main idea of the topic.
Organization of structural development of the research paper topic : Student demonstrates logical sequencing of ideas through well-developed paragraphs, relevant info and details about the topic. Used DSM-5 criteria and database information to support your paper.
Mechanics: No errors in punctuation, capitalization and spelling.
Usage : No errors sentence structure and word usage.
Citation : All cited works, both text and visual, are done in the correct format with no errors.
Conclusion Page: The conclusion is engaging and restates the main points from the research a topic as well as the use of statistics and/or percentages.
Reference page: Done in the correct format with no errors. Includes three (3) or more professional journals from FNU database and any other reliable source of information to support your paper topic. Wikipedia is Not a reliable source of information. Please, Do NOT use it!!!