Compare and contrast how the benefits of imagery on the learning and performance of sport skills are explained by the psycho-neuromuscular hypothesis, symbolic learning theory, and the bio-informational model


Assignment 3: Essay: Imagery

Part I:

Compare and contrast how the benefits of imagery on the learning and performance of sport skills are explained by the psycho-neuromuscular hypothesis, symbolic learning theory, and the bio-informational models. Provide examples from sport
and/or cite research to support your response. Follow APA guidelines for writing and citing sources.

Part II:

Imagine that you are a coach or a sport psychologist who wants to develop the imagery skills of an athlete or team with whom you are working. Using the physical, environment, task, timing, learning, emotion, and perspective (PETTLEP) model and the applied model of imagery use presented in this module, compose an imagery skills training program for the sport of your choice that follows the suggestions provided by these two models. Specify the time frame of the imagery program (preseason, during season, or combination) and provide details related to how you would implement your program.

Write your answers in a 2–3-page essay and present it in Microsoft Word document format. Name the file M3_A3_LastName_Imagery.doc and submit it to the
Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Assignment 3 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsCompared and contrasted the psycho-neuromuscular hypothesis, symbolic learning theory, and the bio-informational models with respect to benefits of imagery.12Relevant examples from research and professional experience were provided.8Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.8Designed an imagery skills training program that integrates both PETTLEP and the applied model of imagery.12Provided time frame and implementation plan, showing milestones and benchmarks.8Total:48


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