-Choose an herbal supplement or a vitamin and discuss its origin, culture, mechanism of action, the condition that it is used for, risks, what the regulations say about the supplement.

For our discussion board this week, each of you will

-Choose an herbal supplement or a vitamin and discuss its origin, culture, mechanism of action, the condition that it is used for, risks, what the regulations say about the supplement. Include any current newsworthy information related to the supplement that you have chosen to report. Reliability of your sources is important.

1-All posts should have a minimum of 3 paragraphs.

2-Please support your posts with at least 2 peer reviewed articles within 5 years of publication.

3-The use of APA 6th ed is a must.  All posts should be in-text cited, and all citations should be reflected in the reference section.

he role of health care reform in shifting the focus from a disease-orientated health care system toward one of wellness and prevention is to avert disease in the public. One of the ideal choices is to promote and encourage good health within groups of people across ages, gender, ethnicity, race, and social economic status. Health care reform, in this context, can strive to help people change the social behavior. Help care reform can enhance people’s ability to care for their health. They can lessen health disparities within the population. In the meantime, help care reform targets non-help care policy that impact people good health. That is, decisions related to social, economic, housing, nutrition, and environment might have a direct effect on wellness and prevention.

In terms of prevention, health care reform can converge health care practitioners’ attentions and the public’s focus on screenings, immunizations, counseling, and disease management to avert complications. This will encourage health care professional to always encourage patients and their loved ones to take preventive measures and steps to avert unhealthy circumstances in their lives.

The profession of nursing has the obligation to educate nursing students and current nursing practitioners to understand the benefits of wellness and prevention in the practice of nursing. Nurse spend most of their working times with patients than any other health care professional. They are the first who witness patients’ calamities. This makes them more apt to embrace this shift because integrating prevention in their practices can avert acute and chronic diseases, and other non-desirable health conditions. Nurse can participate in consumer education or awareness campaigns for the good of society.

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