week 5 discussion society

Week 5Part 1“Slavery’s global comeback” (Links to an external site.)“’Sea slaves’: The human misery that feeds pets and livestock” (Links to an external site.)“The bitter truth behind the Nutella economy” (Links to an external site.)“Child labor in your chocolate? Check out our chocolate scorecard” (Links to an external site.)“Most of our clothes are made in places where workers’ rights are non-existent” (Links to an external site.)“Zabbaleen: Trash Town. A whole community in Egypt that lives on rubbish” (Links to an external site.)(video, 25 minutes)“Sex tourism and exploitation around the world” (Links to an external site.)(text and short videos)Part 2“What do free trade agreements mean for workers?” (Links to an external site.)(text and two 5-minute videos)“How international labour standards help ensure the rights of all workers” (Links to an external site.)(video, 3 minutes)“How we work to end slavery” (Links to an external site.)“ILO fighting child labor around the world” (Links to an external site.)(video, 1:30 minutes)“ECPAT: What we do to end the sexual exploitation of children” (Links to an external site.)“United Students against sweatshops”  (Links to an external site.)Part 3“Migrants at risk: How U.S. policies facilitate human trafficking” (Links to an external site.)“Reminder: Today isn’t an equal payday for all women” (Links to an external site.)“Domestic workers”  (Links to an external site.)“Lives on the line: Human cost of chicken”  (Links to an external site.)“Amazon [warehouse] working conditions” (Links to an external site.)“Invisible workforce: How temp labor works in NJ” (Links to an external site.)(video, 3 minutes)“Angelinos vs wage theft” (Links to an external site.)(video, 5:20 minutes)“The gig economy’s false promise” (Links to an external site.)“Uber: US labor board calls drivers contractors in blow to labor rights” (Links to an external site.)“Why is modeling a bad job?” (Links to an external site.)(video, 3:40 minutes)“Money, sex, and Las Vegas pool parties” (Links to an external site.)“Engineer? Teacher? Sorry, that doesn’t guarantee job security anymore” (Links to an external site.)“Teachers are striking all over. What’s going on?” (Links to an external site.)Part 4“The ghost of precarity in employment” (Links to an external site.)“The big, feminist policy idea America’s families have been waiting for” (Links to an external site.)Part 5GPCC, chapter two, “The laborer in the culture of capitalism” (pages 47 to end [from “Outsourcing …” to the end])Discuss one labor/employment example from the web-linked assignments in terms of the characteristics of the working class.According to GPCC, describe outsourcing and the labor movement; the creation of free labor; the segmentation of the workforce; control and discipline; and resistance and rebellion. Give an example of each.Use the above concepts to describe one labor/employment example (from parts one to eight).Describe “The ghost of precarity in employment.” Give examples from the web-linked assignments.What is the “Big feminist policy idea” for labor?250 word minimum; no maximum word count. Display the word count at the end of your post.

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Article Review

Please follow the direction of the uploaded picture.

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Write a 250-word paper summarizing your reading for chapters 4-6.

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case study 13

details will be sent to them who is finalized tutor

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Literary Context Essay

Urgent help needed with this 400-500 word essay using a specific passage from the Bible.  For this essay only the literary context is needed.  All instructions are in the attachment.  I have highlighted the important information.

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What characteristics, traits, and/or approach are necessary to successfully lead an organization or team that operates on the U.S./Mexico border?

This 10 to 12-page essay will ask you to answer one question; “What characteristics, traits, and/or approach are necessary to successfully lead an organization or team that operates on the U.S./Mexico border?” You will be graded on your ability to elaborate on key issues discussed throughout the semester, demonstrate ethical and effective leadership skills in your responses, and synthesize concepts with real world issues. Students will be graded on the quality of the writing, the depth of critical thinking presented in the essay, the strength of their argument, and on the overall organization of the essay’s main ideas. I ask that you use proper citation formatting (MLA or APA).

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World Religions in Dialogue – VRI Paper

This course introduces students to the empathetic approach to the study of world religions, which requires that we strive to “get into the shoes” of members of the world’s religions through dialogue. In order to help students understand and become familiar with the life of some members of world’s religions, students in the course are asked to visit a religious institution or VRI in their local city. You will then write what is called a VRI paper that captures your experience in detail. Think of the paper as a report on the institution combined with your reflections on the experience. In this paper you are asked to describe the institution, and its relation to the various traditions that you study, among other things (for example, identify whether the institution is a church in the Protestant or Catholic tradition; whether the institution is a Jewish synagogue in the Reform tradition; or if it is a Buddhist temple, whether it is Theravada). Be sure to read the Rubric for the VRI paper assignment for further details.

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Yhomit 20160618

SLIGHT ADJUSTMENTS TO PREVIOUS PAPER DONEYou have done a wonderful job here.  One thing though is that while you have presented some great ideas, there is a lack of evidence here.  In making your adjustments, you will need to truly develop and follow through with your thesis statement focusing on the instructions for this week.   You will also need to provide three evidence based pieces of literature while completing a 600-word paper without using repeated direct quotes.  As a standard and general rule, websites may not acceptable as they are not necessarily peer reviewed evidence based materials, but are secondary materials which may or may not be true or factual. Please see the JFL Library as a resource to help you to find evidence based materials.  Also, your paper will need to be written in third person and developed based on feedback provided last week.  Your thesis statement would be evident should help you to progress to a conclusion.  The feedback from last week will help you to take steps to completing the paper.  There are tools also listed in the announcement section from the past weeks which will aid you in the development of the assignment paper as well.  As always, feel free to reach out to me via email with any questions.  I have also posted in the discussion thread as a sample of what is expected as far as a developed evidence based paper which meets all requirements.

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Compose a research-based essay focusing on Social Emotional Development, the Self and Identity, and Gender. This essay must be in APA format with a minimum of five (5) professional references.Part 1: EssayIn your essay, provide a comprehensive explanation of:Emotional Development,Self and Identity,Influences on GenderYour essay should be 1500-2000 words and should include at least five (5) citations. The sections should be clearly marked with headings so that your instructor knows which points you are addressing. Follow the guidelines for APA writing style. The title page and references page do not count towards the minimum word amount for this assignment.

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Week 2

By Day 3Post a blog post that includes:An explanation of potential challenges for engagement in your field education experienceAn explanation of personal action plans you might take to address engagement in your field education experience(INTERNING AT A LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY CENTER)

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