Analyze what might have transpired if Annie did not have a nursing background.
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I got a feedback from my professor .. This is my paper again. I just received it from my previous editor but she did not have much time to continue working on it so I need your help with it.
Here’s a systematic review from the journal you said you would submit to. Have a look at the discussion.
nursing systematic review.pdf
Discussion Topic 2: Case Study APA format, 3 scholary Journal Sources, 250 words.
Look at the case study number one, (In)Secure Communication? on page 240 of Health Policy and Politics, A Nurses Guide, by Milstead. Analyze what might have transpired if Annie did not have a nursing background. List the breakdowns in communication that occurred and the potential ramifications. Did the advance practice nurse’s office fulfill a meaningful use stage 2 requirements of providing secure electronic communication between the patient and healthcare provider? Why or why not?
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