Analyze the nature vs. nurture controversy.
One page essay on Nature vs Nurture no less than 600 words.
Use the link provide for information on the topic.
Assignment #1 : Analyze the nature vs. nurture controversy.
After reading the first 2 chapters in the textbook, share whether you think nature or nurture is more important in development and why. Include a corresponding web site that supports your opinion. It will be beneficial to you to include when writing about nature the terms genetics, heredity, biological, and physical. It will be beneficial to you to include when writing about nurture to include the terms environment, social influence, family, and peers.
Complete a 1 page paper/essay answering the following question: What did you learn about the nature vs. nurture controversy? This assignment must be completed in Times Roman 12 font and double spaced.
The following question must be answered in the essay: What did you learn about the nature vs. nurture controversy?